On September 30, 2022, twelve House of the Gospel Church’s women leaders joined hundreds of other women leaders at a Christ-centered You Lead Women’s Leadership Conference hosted by Lifeway.
This is a conference for any woman who God is calling to lead in any capacity. The conference provided personalized training with numerous breakout sessions led by women leaders and experts teaching on various topics (e.g., Ministry to Women Essentials, Life-Changing Bible Study, Theology for Every Woman, This is Girls Ministry, Creativity that Transforms, Bible Study Methods, Tension in the Life of a Ministry Wife, Sharing the Love of Christ during Social Crisis, Becoming a Peacemaker, etc.) and providing real-life application in each session. The goal of the conference was to equip women leaders and provide spiritual refreshment in prayer, worship, and community so that women could live out their calling better than before. The ladies walked away with a renewed spirit and practical strategies on how to live a Christ-centered life and lead others that God has placed in their life.
Following the conference, the ladies had an opportunity to attend a two-part Glory event with Jackie Hill Perry, who is a Bible teacher, writer, and artist. She is the author of Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture, Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I was, and Who God Has Always Been, and Holier Than Thou: How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him. She is also a wife and a mom of four. She has a powerful testimony about how God saved her and now uses her for His Glory. All her sessions centered around faith of great Bible heroes like Abraham and David.
The ladies left encouraged and excited to put the learning into practice. Overall, the trip enabled House of the Gospel ladies to connect with one another and build stronger friendships along the way. It is very important for women leaders to have such opportunities where they could be equipped, spiritually refreshed, and encouraged.
Nicole Gorban
More about Lifeway organization may be found here: https://women.lifeway.com.