Sunday April 7th at Forward Church, we had Taco Sunday. We provided a taco lunch to everyone who came to church. This was the Sunday right after Easter Sunday and so we wanted to invite back all the new visitors that came to our church for the first time on Easter Sunday, for them to come back the following Sunday. We ordered food truck to come to the church. After service, everyone was able to eat a delicious taco lunch and have fellowship with one another. This provided a great opportunity for our members and guests to get to know each other better, by sharing a meal together.
Our mission at Forward Church is to help people find hope in Jesus. There were many times when Jesus shared a meal and ate with His disciples. We practice this at our church and we have been very blessed by it.
If you’re looking for a church to attend in Southern California, or you know someone in this area that is looking for a church, we would love for you to come visit Forward Church in Irvine, every Sunday at 11am. Go to for all the info!
Bogdan Kipko,
Pastor of the church