God continues to save people and add them to His Body. The Revival Church had a special church celebration on August 10 to baptize 17 people of various ages and were witnesses of their testimony of entering into the covenant with the Lord.
Over a two-month period, the church pastors invested into the baptism candidates by teaching them about the foundations of the faith, and the disciplines of the church. In turn, the baptism candidates shared about what motivated them to be baptized. These testimonies were all different. Some of these people had a very difficult journey of total denial of the existence of God, and then accepting Him, some shared how they were driven to God by an unexplainable fear, and for some, the parents and the church were waging spiritual warfare. It was joyful to see the results of these struggles for the souls: their repentance and a conscious and joyful event of joining the body of Christ.
After the baptism service and a concluding prayer by the pastors over the new church members there was a church picnic: people had lunch in a family atmosphere, had fellowship with each other, and played games. Since the day was hot, many made use of the cool of the water, and enjoyed swimming in it. Then, on the next day, the entire church gathered at the church building with the new church members to celebrate Communion.
Praise the Lord for His goodness to us! For a favorable time of salvation, for a peace that we enjoy, for the well-being, and the fullness of spiritual and physical blessings! How we wish that many more of those who do not know the Lord would turn to Him for salvation and eternal life, and would join His Bride, the universal church!
Olga Avetisova