On October 5, Second Slavic Baptist Church in Sacramento hosted a worship night and an auto show. Close to 250 people were able to come! The main speaker was a guest from Irvine, Bogdan Kipko.
Fellowship in a café-style setting, interest groups, sports activities, joint prayer, worship, and a Word of encouragement were instrumental in helping the youth of PCSBA to come together as one in order to proclaim and worship the Lord.
The sermon by pastor B. Kipko was fully dedicated to beholding the Lamb of God – Jesus Christ who takes away the sin of the world. The main text passage of the sermon was John 1:29 where John the Baptist declares that Jesus Christ is He who takes upon the greatest burden of humanity: our sin. The main point of the sermon was that our biggest problem that we are constantly faced with is not external. It has nothing to do with our achievements, failures, or circumstances. The real problem is inside of us, and that is the problem of sin. All of us are faced with this reality, and only the Lamb of God can free us from it. The speaker called the audience not to try to find solutions in the world or to try to attain some changes on their own. Instead, the solution is in pursuing Christ, to see Him as He Is – as the Lamb Who has defeated sin and death. The main thing is to reject any perception that we can somehow work for it or do something in order to become free. Instead, we must believe that Christ has already secured our salvation on the cross. True freedom, peace, and zeal for God doesn’t come from our won strength but when we are trusting in Jesus and are allowing Him to take our sins and to transform our lives through the Holy Spirit.
We want to also remind you that The United Movement – is a name of the youth movement of PCSBA which focuses on uniting the youth from various cultural backgrounds and to strengthen their faith in Christ. This ministry exists in order to raise a new generation of young disciples who are deeply rooted in their faith and are committed to live by faith in all aspects of their lives to be pleasing to God. Events similar to this one are taking place twice a year: Camp United in the summer, and leaders’ retreat in late fall. For more information, visit the United website at the following link: https://www.theunitedmovement.org.
Yevgeniy Kamyshov