This summer, by the grace of God, the fourth annual Vacation Bible School(VBS) program was held at Bryte Church in West Sacramento.
The children explored dark caves and learned that Jesus is the only source of light that shows us the true way in a dark and frightening world. Every morning at the fellowship services the children worshiped together, learned the daily Bible point and shared their God Sightings. Every day the children were challenged to notice how God works in their lives through their surrounding family, friends, nature and 5 senses. To help better remember the Bible points and memory verses, each day the children were introduced to various animals that live in caves. The animals taught the children that Jesus gives us hope, courage, direction, love and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Throughout the day the kids had an opportunity to visit various stations and explore with hands on activities. At the Bible Quest, the children heard the Bible truth through an interactive lesson with the teacher. Being at Kid Video, the groups would watch a short video about a child who experienced a challenging life situation and then discuss how with the help of Christ our children were able to grow in faith to God. On one of the station kids would have a short break with snack that would describe God’s love, care and Jesus Christ's sacrifice. Afterwards they would visit imagination or science station to learn how caves formed and had a chance to know God through His creation. At the end of the day kids would gather together, praised God and listen to a short but entertaining word on who God is and what an exciting life is to follow the everlasting God.