Russian Baptist Church of Bryte celebrated a great event. Eleven deacons and one pastor were ordained for ministry.
Our Association has never had such a number of ordinations at the same time. Even in such a large church as a Bryte church, it was necessary to think over how to place twelve ordained with their wives and the same number of pastors involved in the ordination on the podium. The solution was wonderful: they ordained the first six in the first part of the service, and in the second part, they prayed over the other six. Brother V.S. Ryaguzov, pastor from Samara, Russia, and President of the PCSBA, I.V. Mileev participated in the sermon. You can listen to and watch the recording of this solemn service on the church’s YouTube channel - click here.
We wish blessings for the new ministers! May their example of a dedicated life and ministry to God and people bring many more people to salvation.