«So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. » (Rom. 14:19)
At first glance, what is so special about regular fellowship with another? Why is it so important to have such fellowship? What can we offer to our companion and what can we gain in return? What are we seeking and what is our purpose in fellowshipping with others? The Word of God calls us to seek that which serves for peace and building up of another, and that is exactly what we are encouraging our youth to do.
In light of the current events that have literally befallen us like an avalanche that no one expected. Many people lost that which was so precious to them. This fellowship is the fellowship with other brothers and sisters whom we got so used to seeing on a regular basis.
These significantly difficult circumstances did not pass by our youth ministry and we were so glad when on August 28 and 29 we were able to organize a youth event. After such a long time apart, and by great mercy of God, it was possible to organize The United Beach Fellowship also known as The Sac Attack. This event lasted for two days: Friday evening and all of Saturday. During this whole time, the youth had an opportunity to fellowship with one another, play games team-building games, and most importantly had a mutual worship service for our Lord. On Friday, Grace Avenue Bible Church (previously known as the Third Slavic Church) welcomed all of the close to 140 people. On Saturday, the youth had an opportunity to continue fellowship at Folsom Lake where even more youth were able to gather (close to 300 people). It was encouraging to see that there are many of us and that we are not alone. However, nothing can compare to the joy of another soul coming to God in repentance. That moved us to our very soul for which we are grateful to God.
Although there was a lot of effort and sacrifice in preparation for this event, you realize that it was not in vain. I am grateful to God for my team, and for all those people whom God has sent my way who served, continue to serve, and will serve for the advancement of God’s kingdom in the hearts of our people.
These are not all of the events that are planned in the near future for the youth of our Association. On Saturday, September 26, there is going to be The United Worship Night hosted by Second Slavic Baptist Church, as well as The United Leadership Conference for all of the youth members who are involved in any kind of church ministry and will take place on November 13-15.
I am grateful to you for your attention and that you invested your time into reading this article. We are asking you to continue praying for us and for our ministry. Be blessed.
Petro Makletsov