On March 21, Second Slavic Baptist Church in Sacramento had an especially joyful service during which three young brothers were ordained as deacons: Yevgeniy Ivanilov, Vladimir Kruglikov, and Vladimir Lobkov. The ordination was officiated by Ivan Mileyev, Vladimir Petrovich Brutskiy-Stempkovskiy, Viktor Koleukhov and other local pastors.
Before the ordination, Ivan Mileyev talked about the importance of the word “Minister” through the lives of every disciple of Jesus Christ. In the example of Jesus Christ, He showed a standard of true servanthood to His disciples when the Lord took the water and the towel, and began washing the feet of His disciples. Without true inner humility, there cannot be genuine ministry. In accomplishing various church projects of the local church, the deacons must be able to minister and teach other church members to do the same. In that regard, they are assisting the pastors of the church.
God has greatly blessed the local church by giving them these three deacons. This is a great blessing!
During the ordination celebration, those who attended were edified not only by the Gloria Choir, but also performers of solos, and brought joy to everyone with wonderful and awe-inspiring performances. The service concluded by singing a well-known hymn, which we love to sing many years ago, and which declared “Christian, carry the fire!”, which is a good motto for today. After all, people around us now more than ever are in need of the Gospel and in those who bring it, in those Christians who are burning with the love for the people who are in need of salvation!
Ivan Mileyev