Despite the continuing limitations of the pandemic, the Education Ministry continues active service. A. Pronin, who leads this ministry shares the following:
On April 24, the Montebello campus had a teaching session at the Master's level. The students were studying «Introduction to Pentateuch». On May 8-9 the students from San Francisco and Concord had their instruction. God allowed us to finally have this session in person. For over a year, the lessons were done through Zoom. The session was taught by Vadim Yurchak on «Church History».
On May 7-8, Bryte Church hosted lessons on the Master's and B.A. levels. The students were taught «Hebrew Grammar» by Vasiliy Shust.
On May 14 and 15, the Light of the World Church had another session during which the students were taught «Theology» by Sergiy Tarasenko and were instructed on the doctrines of «Anthropology and Soteriology».
Montebello Church had its final session of the Master's level. They were learning «Practical Ecclesiology» as a final subject of the four-year Master's level of Moscow's Theological Seminary.
In June, there will be an announcement of the new student enrollment for the «B.A. of Church Ministry» and «Missionary Ministry». Please pray for God's guidance and blessing.