The elected Executive Committee is chosen to take care of all the spiritual and administrative tasks of the activities meets a few times a year. Another one of these meetings took place on May 21 at the Association's office. The time has come to return to the format that everyone is used to, despite the fact that the ZOOM meeting attendees are from other states or are unable to be personally present at the office.
We always begin our meeting with prayer, and this time Viktor Kravchenko shared a brief word of exhortation based on 1 Thess. 5:16—18 before calling us to prayer. God has been blessing the Association both spiritually, as well as financially which can be seen in the wonderful servants who are dedicated to ministering at the store, the camp, and other assets of the Association. We are grateful to Aleksandr Semeryuk, who has been such a faithful servant of the Association in the area of inventory and administration. Next month he will be retiring and moving to a different state. Blessings to you, Aleksandr, in the new stage of your life.
During the meeting, the programs of two events of this year have been approved. One of them is the pastors' retreat at Sierra Pines Camp which is scheduled for August 20-21, and the other is the 83rd convention of the Association which is scheduled for October 29-30 and will be hosted by Bryte Church.
The pastors' retreat will be a great time for fellowship, as well as spiritual edification, and because of that, there will be some great guest speakers. More information about this will be announced later.
Although this year the convention will be focusing on business issues, there will be two general church services during which there will be sermons by guest preacher, Peter Valterovich Miktsevich who is the chairman of the Russian Union of Baptists. The theme of the convention will be: “Be on the Alert, Stand Firm in the Faith, Be Courageous” 1 Cor. 16:13-14.
As always, there are other issues that deserved some attention. Life goes on and the oversight of the families of churches of the Pacific Coast Association continues regardless of the current circumstances. Faithfulness in little and the realization of the responsibility before our King and Lord, as well as the churches of the Association, fills my heart with reverence and realization of the position of “a lowly and an unworthy slave”.
Ivan Mileyev