The first annual pastors’ meeting which took place on February 26 at the Living Stones church had a lot of interesting seminars. Close to forty pastors from different churches were greatly edified by guest speakers.
Vadim Getman, pastor from Tacoma, taught two seminars on «Education, Church, Parents, and the Challenges of Our Times» and «Sermon Prep (exposition and practical application».
The presentation of a head pastor of the Ukrainian Spring of Life Church, Vadim Dashkevich intrigued many. The theme of his seminar was:«Missions, Church, and Growth (in the context of work with the immigrants)». He was talking about the importance of taking advantage of the opportunities of our times which God is giving us for missionary service right here in Sacramento.
«Music in the Church» - was the theme of the seminar by Vadim Dakhnenko, a guest from Ukraine. As a highly educated musician and singer, he was speaking about the fact that not every music should be classified as Christian and be accepted at the churches. He also talked about how seriously the Old Testament and New Testament servants of God approached the issue of glorification, and how important it is even today to understand what kind of musical and singing ministry is pleasing to God, and what kind can cause His indignation.
There was also interesting information by the director of the Family Protection Ministry (FPM), who shared about the importance of home education and its opportunities.
The seminars’ recordings are uploaded to the YouTube Channel of the Association. To find out more about the organization of the home education – click this link.
During the meeting, some of the Association’s organizational questions were also addressed. Specifically, there was a decision to create the Association’s Fund for collecting aid to help those who suffered in war in Ukraine. It is assumed that the distribution of the funds will be decided by a special committee of representatives from different churches. You can make your contribution here.
We must emphasize that this meeting was great not just because of the seminars. The hospitality of the Living Stones Church was especially noted. There was a huge variety, quality, and abundance of treats that were provided during breaks, as well as during lunch, and was appreciated by the conference’s participants and invited guests. Thanks to everyone who put so much effort into providing comfort and feeding the conference’s participants! May the Lord bless you!
Olga Avetisova
Links to the Seminar’s Recordings (all recordings except Family Protection Ministry are in Russian):