It was the first Slavic Baptist Church in Seattle, was established right after the war, and became the home church for many churches of the city. This small church doesn’t have their own building and is renting out a building for the congregation of 60 people.
Any church dreams about growth in numbers and quality, but that requires a lot of efforts and resources. There is a need of hard prayers and being be open to the God’s call. The need for growth became especially pressing after the COVID quarantine was lifted. Many churches switched to the online format, and some people even forgot what live fellowship was like. On March 26, the church in Seattle where Peter Kulishov is a pastor, had a seminar with the theme of “Small Church Development”. The speaker was the leader of the Missionary Department of the Pacific Coast Slavic Association, Vadim Yurchak. He was teaching on personal spiritual growth, as well as the church basics. The attendees were taught on the seven reasons why churches do not grow, and were also motivated to continue serving the Lord.
“Our meeting took place in a warm home atmosphere around tea and reception. Thanks to our ladies, our tables were neatly decorated, and we felt very comfortable to be there. We had time of fellowship, prayer, and shared our needs and concerns. We are thankful to our guests for the useful information and practical advice”, said Sergey Bystritskiy who is the Associate Pastor. “In total, up to 30 people attended the seminar, and we believe that the Lord will grow the seed sown.”
Svetlana Iotko
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