During the February 2025 meeting, the Missions ministry and the leaders of the Association identified six new goals for the missionary ministry which they are planning to support throughout the year: Spain, Moldova, Ukraine, Kenya, Uzbekistan, and Argentina.
- Spain – Bible School in Barcelona, Spain
On January 1, the Blagovest Institute of Ministry opened a new training center in Barcelona, Spain to train young church members and those who serve there. The program’s curriculum is designed for 3-4 years. The Association will continue to support the school by sending the instructors there, and by expanding their knowledge of the Bible teaching. - Moldova – Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Elderly Ministry in Moldova
While partnering with the Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Moldova, the Association will develop the youth and children’s ministry and provide help to the elderly through the ministry in a few of the local churches of the country’s southern parts. - Ukraine – Ministry to Children and Adults, Ukraine
A ministry to children and adults is beginning with the intention of opening home groups there and, in the future, two churches In Kyiv and in the village of Roslavichi in the Kyiv region. - Uzbekistan – Ministering to the Gypsy-Mugates in Uzbekistan
After holding several meetings and then a children's camp in southern Uzbekistan, the local church, with the support of the Association and individual believers from various American churches, began a ministry among the Mugata Gypsies, an unreached people. For more about the project, read on the Association’s website. - Kenya -- Embrace a Street Child, Kenya
«Embrace a Street Child» - is focusing on ministering to children who ran away from home. This ministry wants to give children a chance to change their life, to hear the Gospel, and to return to their homes and churches. More information can be found at this link.
- Argentina – Serving the Slavic Immigrants in Buenos Ares, Argentina
Together with the Baptist Unions of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, in the capital of Argentina, in the city of Buenos Aires, on the basis of Slavic churches, to create a mission where services will be held for tens of thousands of Slavs who immigrated to these countries due to military actions in the last three years.
As you can see, the Association has big plans for the Missions ministry. Please support them by praying for them and contributing to their needs as you are able. If the Lord is calling you to missions work, and you are not sure where you would like to serve, please reach out to the head of the Missions ministry, Vadim Yurchak at: (916) 585-0140,
Olga Avetisova