PCSBA's mission department had a 10th annual meeting of the Association’s missionaries on October 28 at the Grace Avenue Bible Church (former Third Slavic Baptist Church). This year’s theme was “Faithful, Persistent, Blessed”. The meeting was opened with a director of the missionary department “Power in Truth” Alik Yanovskiy. This time there were representatives from different churches from Seattle, Fresno, Los Angeles, Kansas, Sacramento, and Ukraine.
One of the pastors of Grace Avenue Bible Church, Viktor Malishuk concentrated everyone’s attention on the importance of the Great Commission of Christ – to go and preach the Gospel. He blessed everyone in prayer.
The president of the PCSBA, Ivan Mileyev briefly reminded everyone of the goal of missions: to make disciples, to bring them up, teach, and send to the missionary fields. “These people must be those who are called, preferably to the long-term missions. The role of the missionary is to share the love of Christ. That is why the association’s strategy is to find those places where people need to hear the Gospel…You are at the front line, we bless you, treasure you, and want to make you more effective for mission ministry”.
Gary Ball (Missionary in India), representatives of the “Oasis” choir (South Africa), Vladimir Minyakov (“Open Skies”, ministry in Beslan), Lika Royko (“Evangelism Explosion”), Mikhail Terehin and Alik Shipuk (Spain), Yevgeniy Kiselev (Italy), Ilya Koryaka (immigrants ministry in Sacramento), Igor Mordvinov (South Sudan), Yuriy Senchenko (Mexico) and many others shared about the previous and upcoming trips. There were information booths about the missionary trips which had pictures, video, and colorful garments of the countries of missions.
The vice chairman of the Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Baptist Christians Vladimir Shemchishin and President of the PCSBA Ivan Mileyev signed a partnership agreement for missionary ministry.
The head of the external missions, pastor from Ukraine, Vladimin Kondor shared on the important topic: “Family and Missions”. Using the biblical characters of Aquila and Priscilla, he demonstrated an ideal picture of a godly family team that serves the Lord together in evangelism. Pastor Yuriy Senchenko who is a pastor of a “Choose Life” Church in Fife, reminded the participants about the importance of spiritual development of the missionaries: “The life that is transformed by God cannot be ignored. What do you fill yourself with? ...Our goal is to make disciples through fellowship, growth, ministry, sharing the Gospel, and worship. We must ask ourselves a question: What will happen to these people, these new disciples after our missionary trips?”
The evening was concluded with prayer of dedication and worship to the Lord.
The missionary meeting refreshed once again and affirmed that the full benefits of the Christian life is only possible through intimate fellowship with God and sacrificial service to Him.
Irina Karkhut.
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