Taco Sunday at Forward Church
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 474
Sunday April 7th at Forward Church, we had Taco Sunday. We provided a taco lunch to everyone who came to church. This was the Sunday right after Easter Sunday and so we wanted to invite back all the new visitors that came to our church for the first time on Easter Sunday, for them to come back the following Sunday. We ordered food truck to come to the church. After service, everyone was able to eat a delicious taco lunch and have fellowship with one another. This provided a great opportunity for our members and guests to get to know each other better, by sharing a meal together.
Parenting conference
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 386
Cornerstone Church is preparing and will host a conference on parenting with Henry Cloud, a well-known American Christian psychologist and New York Times bestselling author.
PCSBA's March Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 474
PCSBA's March Newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Prayer Request from Israel
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 408
The pastors in Israel are asking us to support them praying for the following:
“During the month of March, we have street evangelism in various cities and villages proclaiming the Messiah, the Savior – Jesus Christ! It is a spiritual warfare for the people’s souls. There are many enemies, those who show apathy, atheists, zealots for the law, and various worldly mindsets.
We need intensified prayer for the cleansing and forgiveness of sins of the nation. May many hearts in Israel and in every place where the message of Christ is preached turn to Him! Grace upon grace to you!”
Spiritual Warfare
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 404
On March 6-9, The Word of Grace Church in WA hosted a conference about Spiritual Warfare. Many pastors and leaders from the Association were able to attend this conference. The speakers were invited from the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia. The seminars were very practical: “Reality of Spiritual Warfare”, “Spiritual Warfare in Ministry”, “How to Resist the Enemy?”, “Strategy of the Devil in the Church”, “Demons Attacking Pastors”, and more. To watch all 11 seminars, visit this YouTube channel, click this link. All recordings in Russian only.
Predestination – Calvinism
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 451
The question of predestination, especially the so-called “double predestination” is interesting for many Christians. The churches are divided because of disagreements over this question, and sometimes church members have many misunderstandings and concerns about this theology.
Is Your Church Growing or Dying?
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 493
How can you tell if your local church is growing or dying? During a three-day seminar at the New Hope Church, a well-known Ukrainian pastor and speaker, author of materials in missionary ministry and evangelism, Vladimir Omelchuk talked about the detailed models of growing churches and the dying churches. He also presented the methods on revitalization and recovery from the passivity and reactivity of the local church. The recordings of the seminars can be found here (in Russian only):
From Counterfeiter to Becoming a Pastor
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 475
A person with an unusual past, who was a counterfeiter, famous criminal on the USSR time, received the Lord Jesus Christ and then became a pastor and evangelist. Viktor Ivanovich Sikorskiy was able to visit Sacramento in February. Together with the assistant of the head of the Association’s Missionary Ministry, V. Khripunov, he participated in teaching seminars in street evangelism, developing evangelism in various places, and in the local churches.
Christ is Risen!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 488
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I want to greet you on this great holiday and wish you all Happy Easter! Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!
PCSBA's Pastors Meeting
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 534
On February 24, 2024, there was another meeting of pastors of the Association’s churches at Bryte Church in West Sacramento. The first part of the program was dedicated to evangelism and the role of senior pastors in developing the culture and atmosphere of evangelism in the local church. That is the only way how this mission becomes the priority of the church, when the evangelism to the people around us becomes a natural lifestyle of every church member, and it isn’t getting accomplished just by a certain church program or activity.
You Can’t Live Like That
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 528
Mikhail Cherenkov, Doctor of Theology, and pastor of Revival Baptist Church in WA shares about the perspectives and plans for ministry and the work PCSBA’s Executive Committee. The interview was conducted by a member of the Information Ministry, S. Iotko.
PCSBA's February Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 451
PCSBA's February newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English
I Choose Jesus!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 466
This is an unforgettable experience when people expresses their desire to give their life to God and dedicate themselves to follow Him, and to be baptized!
Trip to Florida
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 570
On February 3, 2024Б Salvation Baptist Church in Orlando, FL (pastor Andrey Kravchuk) hosted a conference for the pastors in Florida. Pastors of Slavic churches of ECB from all over the state came to this event.
Special Meetings with Poet and Music Writers
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 646
On February 24 from 6:00-9:00 p.m., Second Slavic Baptist Church in Sacramento will host an evening of recognizing a poet – Andrey Neyfeld (Minneapolis, MN). The participants will also include Galina Shirokova and Larisa Lysak, who are the authors of music composed to his poetry.
PCSBA's January 2024 Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 574
Sierra Pines Camp Serves People Again!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 572
Greetings in the spirit of fellowship and community! Sierra Pines Camp is thrilled to extend an invitation to your church community for a transformative experience in the heart of nature.
Discover God's Beauty: Sierra Pines Awaits Your Congregation!
“Bethlehem” Evening in Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 664
After His ministry on Earth, our Lord Jesus Christ left the Great Commission for His disciples and to us, and that commission is to share about the goodness of our Lord to all the peoples.
Results of a Survey of Delegates of the 85th Convention
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 484
The survey of the convention’s delegates serves as a tool for us to better understand ourselves as an Association. It is a perfect opportunity make some conclusions and improvements for our future ministry. Having looked at the survey results, we can plan for achieving certain goals and move forward to these goals as opposed to being in a place where we are today. Although the convention’s delegates cannot truly reflect all 100% of the various views of all the PCSBA’s churches, nevertheless, they do represent the general understanding of the situation.
Missionary Breakfast in Moraga
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 530
On January 13, The Spring Church in Moraga had a leaders meeting for those serving in mission ministry and for PCSBA’s pastors of Bay Area. Aleksey Kharlamov was the one to initiate and organize this event. He is a pastor of the church that recently became part of the PCSBA.
Women's Evening - "Healthy Christian"
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 584
Dear sisters! The ministry "Healthy Christian", the Second Slavic Baptist Church, invites you, your sisters, mothers, grandmothers and friends (ages: 13 - 99+) to the next women's evening, which will take place on March 8, Friday, from 6-9 pm!
PCSBA's December 2023 Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 522
PCSBA's December newsletter is available here: in Russian | In English.
Master Class for Choir Directors
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 603
Speaker: Peter Patz, Germany
Venue: Bryte Church, 1000 Sacramento Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95605, room 202 on the second floor.
Date and time: December 30 from 9:30 am to 12 noon.
Everyone is invited: directors, musicians, choristers, as well as directors of children's choirs - for them, there will be specific information on working with children and their voices.
Should you have questions about this event, please contact to Sergey Yanovskiy: (916) 595-3480,
Bethlehem Village at the Bryte Church
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 544
This is unheard of in the Slavic churches! Over 12,000 people attended the “Bethlehem Village” at the Bryte Church. There was so much going on in this village! Over forty stations including a prayer station, Bible and Gospel tracts distribution station, and much more. Over 800 volunteers were dedicated to preparing and serving at this event. Their main goal was to unite the church members, and to share the story of Christmas with unbelievers.
The Mystery of Christmas Narnia
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 618
On December 15, Cornerstone Faith Church in Sacramento, organized a unique event for immigrants. This was a Christmas quest which was inspired by the mystery and adventures of a book by C.S. Lewis and is recognized around the world. The event included a Christmas lights limo tour as well. About 500 people were able to participate.
Sunday School Teachers Conference
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 702
On February 3rd, First Slavic Baptist Church will host a conference for Sunday school teachers.
Merry Christmas, and a happy 2024 New Year!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 643
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! As we celebrate these wonderful holidays, may our minds be focused on Jesus Christ! The uniqueness of Christianity is in the person of Jesus Christ and that is incomparable with any other religions of the world. The Apostle Paul in one of the letters to Timothy summarizes the entire Theology of the “uniqueness” of Jesus Christ:
Bogdan Kipko - a new member of the PCSBA's Executive Committee
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 844
I am honored and humbled to have been elected to the Executive Committee of the PCSBA. Having grown up in a Slavic Baptist Church for most of my life, I have a deep love and affection for the Slavic people. I distinctly remember driving to Sacramento from Seattle with my parents to attend the PCSBA annual conventions as a teenager. At that time, I was still living in Seattle, Washington, and the church that we were members of was also a part of the PCSBA. After getting married and moving to Southern California in 2006, I have been a member of two churches, both of which were part of the PCSBA.
Prayer Week Schedule 2024
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 479
Prayer week schedule is available here - click this link.
Immerse yourself in the story of the first Christmas!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 566
Family-friendly Christmas Light trail. Immerse yourself in the story of the first Christmas through a miracle night walk, adorned with brilliant lights, delightful treats, and a captivating candlelit show. Join us under the stars for an adventure where each light weaves a story of hope and wonder.
PCSBA's November 2023 Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 651
PCSBA's November 2023 newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Christmas in Lebanon
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 494
The well-known Moldovan missionary music group “The Kirnev Family” plans to hold Christmas evangelistic events in several cities of Lebanon: Tire, Sidon, Beirut, etc. Sergey and Pavel, members of this group, explain why they decide to take such a risky trip to a country in the south of which there is military action - watch the recording of their interview (in Russian only.)
Pray for Izrael!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 519
The attention of the majority of people today is towards Israel and to what is happening in that region. Unprecedented brutality of Hamas shocked everyone. Civilians and children have suffered, and the blood of both Israelis and Palestinians continues to be shed. Our brothers and sisters suffer along with everyone else.
Ministry in Poland
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 491
Please read J. Sheremet's November newsletter about ministry in Poland here - click this link (in Russian only.)
Street Evangelism and More…
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 509
Tirelessly, every Saturday and Sunday in a new place, a team of local missionaries, led by Pastor Vasily Khripunov, preaches the Gospel on the streets of different cities in California, holding meetings in local houses of prayer or missionary points. The past Saturday and Sunday, November 18 and 19, were the same for them.
Annual Mission Reunion
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 504
On October 11, 2023, Grace Family Church in Sacramento hosted a Mission Reunion, which is a friendly get-together of missionaries from different countries. Over 100 people from different cities were able to attend.
New Books about the Glory of God and the Walk of Christians Before Him
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 447
Our Association has many talented people! One of them is Pavel Lvutin who is a pastor at the Word of Truth Church. He wrote five books some of which are published and can be found on Amazon. For a short summary for each book and where each one of them can be found, visit this page (in Russian only.)
85th Convention of the PCSBA
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 532
While evaluating the results of the past convention, we can say that the 85th convention has a special place in the Association’s history. We celebrated the 95th anniversary of the Association. What seems to be such a distant past, in 1928, the first convention of the Slavic immigrants on the West Coast took place in Kerman. The issue at hand was about developing the ministry of the Slavic immigration. By now, 4-5 generation passed, but by the grace of God, the Association continues to care about impacting the next generation. They are still focusing on missions work both internationally, as well as locally.
Happy Thanksgiving!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 552
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Happy Thanksgiving!
«In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. » 1Thess. 5.18
PCSBA's October 2023 Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 608
PCSBA's October 2023 newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Special Event for Sacramento Residents
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 520
«Old Fashioned Country Festival» was a huge event that was organized by the Cornerstone Church in Sacramento on October 15. The premises of the church were decorated in old West style, and many guests dressed for the occasion. Over 500 people visited this event.
Trip to Europe
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 598
On September 19-20, there was a pastors’ retreat near Athens. Close to 80 people were able to attend. Joseph Sheremet and the missionary ministry of PCSBA had an idea of such retreats which later became a regular annual event.
Created In the Image of God
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 631
On September 1-4, youth ministry United hosted a camp with a theme of “Created in The Image of God”. Nine churches from northern California were able to motivate their youth to attend this retreat. As a result, over 600 people were able to come. The main speaker was Pastor Andrey Sava from Fresno, CA.
Happy Birthday to the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association!
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 604
What now seems like such a long time ago, the first PCSBA’s convention took place on October 12-14, 1928. It was there that there was a decision made to create a Union of Slavic Baptist churches. The first committee was also selected there with Nikolay Radionov as a committee’s leader.
Christmas Gift Drive – Gifts for Ukraine
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 843
Pretty soon the stores, streets, houses, and churches will be decorated for the Christmas. People will be preparing and anticipating this holiday. But how does one celebrate Christmas at the time of war? How are those who live in shadow of the unknown and constant danger, going to celebrate it?
PCSBA's September Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 553
PCSBA's September newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
God Is Our Refuge
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 551
The annual prayer breakfast of The Moms in Prayer Ministry, which usually happens at the beginning of a school year, took place on September 9 at the Second Slavic Baptist Church in Sacramento. Over a hundred women from various churches of PCSBA were able to attend this event.
Registration for the 85th Convention of the Association
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 765
Registration is now open for the 85th Convention, which will be held on October 27-28, 2023 at the Second Slavic Baptist Church of Sacramento
The church address is 6601 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA 95660.
Recruiting students for the new A.A. program Degree in English
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 529
Registration is open for the new program: "CHURCH MINISTRY, DEGREE AA" IN ENGLISH
Church Camp
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 498
On August 17-20, The Living Stones Church of Sacramento had a three-day church camp. The theme of the camp was, “Rebooting your relationship with God”. Vladimir Omelchuk was the guest speaker from Irpen, Ukraine. Over the course of three days, we had an opportunity to meditate on the Word of God, and think about how important it is to have a personal relationship with God. The Bible is the revelation of God that is shedding light on the world that we live in. It helps us to understand His being, and our purpose as we discover our proper outlook on life. As an example, I would like to share a few key ideas that stood out the most to our members:
V. Tsvirinko's Funeral Services
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 541
VIEWING - Thursday, September 7, 2023 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Boice Funeral Home at 308 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, CA 93612.
MEMORIAL SERVICE - Friday, September 8, 2023 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Trinity Community Church, 12168 N Willow Ave, Clovis, CA 93619
The live stream will be available at this link: https://trinitycc.com/live/.
PCSBA;s August 2023 Newsletter
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 654
PCSBA's August 2023 newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
New Leader of the Youth Department
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 526
In an urgent meeting of the Association’s executive committee which took place on July 20, Eugene Kamyshov was appointed as the new leader of the youth ministry in the Association. For years, he was the assistant of Peter Makletsov, who entrusted to him this ministry.
Obituary of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Tsvirinko
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 624
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich lived a long life, full of many interesting events. He was born in Belarus, in the city of Brest, on July 31, 1949. He was the first-born and the only son in the young family of Michael and Polina Tsvirinko, who ended up in Brest after the end of the II World War. There they met at a local Baptist church and got married in 1948.
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Tsvirinko Went to be With the Lord
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 603
The former Chairman of the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Tsvirinko, was called home by the Lord, to His eternal abode, on August 26. We mourn with his family over this loss, but we rejoice that his suffering is over, that he is with the Lord.
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was a servant dedicated to the Lord, who did a lot of useful things during his service as Chairman of the Association and left a good example for many to follow.A True Example of Faithfulness In Ministry
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 523
I was gripped with great sorrow as I received a notification that a dear pastor, teacher, missionary, and a previous president of PCSBA, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Tsvirinko is now with the Lord in the Paradise of God. Since 2016, he entrusted this ministry to me. While being a president over the past seven years, I came to Vyacheslav Tsvirinko to be counseled by him. I deeply treasure his experience in so many areas of ministry, as well as our close relationship together.
85th PCSBA’s Convention
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 500
85th PCSBA of ECB’s convention will take place on October 27 and 28 at the Second Slavic Baptist Church in Sacramento, at 6601 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA 95660. The theme of the convention is “In the Unity of Generations”. Text: “… He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers...” (Mal. 4:6.)
Encountering Jesus
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 630
Along with other churches and Connect International mission, the Second Slavic Baptist Church in Sacramento were able to get involved in a short-term missions trip to Ukraine to organize two family camps for widows and orphans. Hundreds of people experienced the call of Christ and responded in submission to following Him.
Pacific Thrift Store: “We are Selling Everything”
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 575
The ministry of Pacific Thrift Store in Sacramento continues! The store is accepting any items that you do not need and are in good condition. The store’s profits are directed towards ministry in Europe. A member of the PCSBA’s Information Department, Svetlana Iotko, visited the store and interviewed the staff.
Sunday School Principals, Teachers and Assistant Teachers Conference
- Category: Current News
- Hits: 522
All Sunday School Principals, Teachers and Assistant Teachers are invited to the conference on September 30th, 2023 in Bryte Church.
- PCSBA's July Newsletter
- Street Evangelism
- Holidays With Benefits
- Picnic for Immigrants
- Women Gala Dinner - 2023
- Women's Camp "Salon of Imperishable Beauty" 2023
- PCSBA's May 2023 Newsletter
- News from Spain
- Church Planting Program
- PCSBA's April Newsletter
- Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know! (Jer. 33:3)
- Counting Blessings
- Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine
- It's all about Jesus: ALWAYS
- Ministry to Special Needs Children of New Immigrants
- PCSBA's March 2023 Newsletter
- GoLive Conference
- A Woman by the heart of God
- Aloha!
- Unique Ministry
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